Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR Foresco

Foresco is committed to good quality of its products and services, but also to the wider society. That is why we have been leading the way already for years in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. This is demonstrated in the following areas:


Sustainability is anchored in our company. Buying and selling used pallets provides an ultimate way of recycling.

  • Waste wood is a raw material for the green energy market and for our own HT-ovens.
  • We have a PEFC certificate both for production and repairs of pallets.
  • We have integrated sustainability projects into our services.

Employment market

Foresco sees it as its task to also give those people who are little further from the employment market a chance.

  • Foresco is a certified training company.
  • Every academic year, new students are involved in our projects.
  • Foresco permanently employs Wajong employees.

Community and youth

Foresco sees it as its task to also give those people who are little further from the employment market a chance.

  • Foresco is a certified training company.
  • Every academic year, new students are involved in our projects.
  • Foresco permanently employs Wajong employees.

Foresco is “lean and green”

lean & green