Decking board
0,00 P.S.
On request
Shipping costs
Estimated shipping costs within the Netherlands. All products in the shopping cart are included. At the checkout the final shipping costs are calculated.

Decking board

0,00 P.S.
On request
Shipping costs
Toelichting Verzendkosten
Estimated shipping costs within the Netherlands. All products in the shopping cart are included. At the checkout the final shipping costs are calculated.
Free delivery above €700,00 (otherwise 59,00)*
Delivery time: within 3 working days
Minimum orderamount €300,00
* Discount valid at 3 pallet places and more


SKU 100080

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Product description

Deze plank / vlonderplank is verkrijgbaar in 2 varianten 365 cm x 112 cm en 275 cm x 112 cm. De klemmaat van het rekdek is 65cm.

Aanvragen voor aanbiedingen
